The WEALTHY use a powerful force known as compound interest. (When your principal investment gains interest and then your interest earns interest, it’s called compounding interest.) To build wealth, you must DO WHAT THE WEALTHY DO.
At Generational Wealth Concepts, we teach you how to BE THE BANK and enjoy the benefits of compound interest.

Privatized Banking
Guaranteed Growth
With Privatized Banking you can get a higher rate of return on your investments.
If you first create a “Private Bank” that you control and has a guaranteed growth rate. Privatized Banking uses a (custom to your needs) dividend paying, whole life insurance policy to create this “BANK” then uses this growing “BANK” as collateral to finance your next investment. As your investment earns the return you expected, you pay down the collateral loan on your “BANK”. Meanwhile, your “BANK” continues to grow and accrue compound interest uninterrupted. If you pay cash for your investments, you are losing the interest that your cash could have earned when you make an investment. Privatized Banking allows you to purchase investments without giving up the interest your “BANK” is earning.

Recapture interest you pay now
Being in debt can be such a horrible feeling. Yet paying off debt seems like such a hard thing for many.
The average savings rate in America is currently only about 6% of earned income. Meanwhile, the average American is spending around 34.5% for interest on debt!
By using Privatized Banking to pay off all your debts, you can recapture the interest that you are currently paying financial institutions. At the core of Privatized Banking is a dividend paying permanent life insurance policy which is used to create a BANK that you control. This policy is engineered to MAXIMIZE CASH VALUE even while you are using it for your personal financing. By recapturing your own debt and paying yourself the interest that you are currently paying others, you could increase your overall savings rate by over 400%!

Create Wealth
Create and pass on Wealth for generations to come
Privatized Banking allows you to create wealth and pass it on for generations to come.
Here’s how it works –create a “Private Bank” that you control and is guaranteed to grow. Privatized Banking uses a (custom to your needs) dividend paying, whole life insurance policy to create this “BANK” then uses this growing “BANK” as collateral to finance your family’s purchases. As the money is paid back, you pay down the collateral loan on your “BANK”. Meanwhile, your “BANK” continues to grow and accrue compound interest uninterrupted. If you pay cash for your family’s purchases, you are losing the interest that your cash could have earned when you make a purchase. Privatized Banking allows you to purchase investments without giving up the interest your “BANK” is earning.